Possible misdiagnosed miscarriage


So I found out in was pg with baby#3 on 10/9 with a positive at home urine test. Went in for blood draw same day and hcg level was 270.. last period was 8/21. Light brown spotting since beginning of September but nothing unusual or heavy.

Went in for another hcg on 10/11 hcg dropped to 229. Saw dr and was told prepare for miscarriage since levels are declining. Went in again on 10/13 hcg level down to 196. Saw dr today and said that definitely a miscarriage and wants 2 more hcg tests and think about doing an endometrial biopsy that would rule out possible ectopic pregnancy. Took another hcg and level down to 169 today.

My only issue is that I have yet to get an ultrasound. Is that common practice? Just solely going off hcg levels with no ultrasound. I don't "feel" like I'm miscarrying. No cramps, only light spotting. I definitely am not trying to psyche myself out and am making peace with this if it is truly a miscarriage but something feels off about this. Anyone else deal with something similar. I've requested my dr do an ultrasound before we go through with the biopsy as that would absolutely end this pregnancy but havent gotten a response yet.