Hello im new


Hello My husband and I have been trying for a while now and he was finally tested and his sperm are healthy yay! I have been on clomid for over a year and i switched drs because nothing was happening. My new doctor did a laproscropy and hysterscopy to rule out endo and turns out i have it. He removed the "stretchy" bits and said there was no way to get all the endometrium cells out. Turns out i have a weird shaped fallopian tube too that had a blockage. Dr says the blockage came out with the dye and that he thinks i could get pregnant now that its been cleaned out. He also said i have a think uterine lining so he couldnt really do the hystercopy all the way. I guess does anyone have the same issues and did u get pregnant quickly afterwards? i am still on clomid and dr says try for a few more months before trying hormone therapy. Also did anyone eat certain foods to help control endo from coming back ir growing more? Ive started to cut out sugar, red meats and sodas.. i could really use some hope right now