UPDATE: My baby is one month old and still lives in NICU


My little girl, Arya, was born September 15th 2018. She was about 3 weeks early and had meconium in the womb as well as the cord around her neck. She was delivered via C-section and the first thing I noticed is that she didn't cry, she squeaked. I thought that was adorable, the doctors did not. They were immediately concerned about that and her sleepiness and low muscle tone. She was immediately taken to the NICU. I couldn't even hold her. I had to wait 12 hours so I could have everything wear off and get my catheter off so I could walk to her. It was terrible. Well after seeing a geneticist and getting blood work back, turns out our little girl has Prader-Willi Syndrome. She is currently on day 7 of her hormone treatment and her tone is doing amazing, however, she will not eat on her own. She has to be fed via NG tube. She keeps falling asleep and gets too worn out. The most she has eaten is 25 ml. She needs to eat 60 ml before she can be discharged. We are trying every type of nipple. Nothing is working. Does anyone know of a nipple or maybe some tips that will help her eat more? I'm tired of crying all the time because I miss her.

Update: After talking with her nurses they feel it's unsafe to bring her home with an NG tube. Since she's so sleepy she could aspirate at home when we try to feed her. She's slowly doing better. I just bought her the Dr. Brown specialty bottles. Hopefully this works. Do you guys have any bottles/nipples that your baby preferred?