Chorionic hemmorage


Soooooo I took a nap yesterday afternoon and woke up to some heavy bleeding and the passing of then a large enough piece of something..... immediately went to the ER because I was convinced it was a miscarriage ( this would have been #4 in a row ). During the initial exam the nurse was really doing some excavation work down their and she said my cervix was open and said it wasn’t looking good which I already figured once I heard my cervix was open. By this time I’ve told my husband and everyone I had already told I was pregnant ( a whole 5 ppl) that I had a miscarriage. I go and get the ultrasound as required and when they get the results they tell me I’m still pregnant! Interuterine ( which I believe means the baby is where it’s supposed to be ) and it has a strong heartbeat at around 8 weeks with matching BETAHCG levels to boot. So this is my first experience being this far along pregnant and with chorionic hemmorage or maybe it’s subchorionic I don’t remember either way has anyone else experienced anything like this? How long do you bleed/ spot for? How much uterine/ vaginal rest is required... will I have a sexless pregnancy ( including sex with myself which is also important) ? What are my chances of getting to a full term pregnancy?