Anyone Work From Home and have baby home with you full time? Advice?

90% of my job involves me working from home. It’s a lot of reading, report checking along with about 6 hours of online meetings a week. I only have to be in the office about 3–5 days a month.

I’m due in March so I’ll be back to work in June. My husband’s job is somewhat flexible. Our plan up to this point has been to have him go in late on days I’ve got my online meetings because he can just stay a little late. On days where I have to be in the office, he’s planning on working from home. He’s not allowed to work from home more than that.

I love the idea of US raising our child and not having strangers do it. It would also be great to not pay for childcare. However, I’m having a decent amount of anxiety about essentially doubling my workload between a baby and my work. A lot of the burden is falling on me just because my work is more flexible. We are going to go ahead and get on the waitlist for some childcare facilities in case I can’t manage it all and stay sane. I think it will be easier in the earlier months when the baby is less mobile but more of a challenge when I’m chasing a little one around the house.

Have any of you worked from home full time and concurrently taken care of a young child? What was that like? How did you manage? Did you do it and it not work out? I would love some input.