Heartbroken 💔


My boyfriend and I found out I was pregnant on 10/5/18. We were so happy especially since my bf's birthday was the day before. We told immediate family (parents and siblings) and best friends. Everyone was so excited for us. Well 6 days ago (10/10/18) my ob/gyn office calls to confirm my pregnancy (had blood test done day before). 2 hours later I was at work and began cramping just like my period. I immediately felt wet. I went to the bathroom and was spotting. I called my OB/GYN office and was told spotting in the first trimester is normal and to monitor the spotting. By 4pm on 10/10 the bleeding started and I knew in my heart I was losing my baby. My bf came to get me from work. I spent 8-9 hours in the ER. I received the news at around 2am 10/11 that tests showed I was miscarrying. All I could do was cry. My bf held me and we just sat in the hospital room crying. We lost our first baby. I was 5 weeks 5 days. I heard it gets easier to cope, but my heart hurts so bad.