Gender reveal! We are over the moon!!!!


We are leaving tomorrow to another country to celebrate my SO’s fathers birthday, so I asked to do the ultrasound earlier and they did it!!!!

Gender reveal party was today just with our close friends and parent via Skype.

Sealed Envelope after the ultrasound:)))

The cake was perfect.

I haven’t slept last couple of night imagining this cake. I also read so much about gender disappointment and I was setting myself to just be happy. And here was the cake ready to be cut!

It’s a girl!!!! 😍😍😍💕💕💕💕

We are so excited!!!!! It felt like my dream came true! I absolutely love it and it feels that now it got all real! Precious baby girl!

I was worried how my son from my first marriage would take it. And he loved the news! He was cutting the cake and was very excited!!!! Yay

And here we are!

As I’m not posting any news of my private life in any of my social media, thank you ladies for sharing this moment with me!!!!