Weight gain in little one


Here in Scotland, a health visitor comes to your house to check on you and the baby once you’ve been discharged by the midwife. I have a lovely health visitor but recently been a little scunnered by what she’s said.

Basically my bubba was v little when she was born, 43cm and 5lb 6oz (below the 0.4th centile), she dropped to 5lb 1 at two days old but was over her birth weight by day five. She’s always been a good eater, and I’m exclusively breastfeeding.

Up until recently the health visitor had no issues with bubbas weight gain. But over the last month or so she’s been suggesting I supplement with formula, which wouldn’t bother me in the slightest if I felt it was being suggested for the right reasons...

At her first few visits my little one was sitting between the 2nd and 9th centile but after a little cold (and not feeding overly well due to a stuffy nose) she gained 9oz in three weeks and dropped a centile to between 0.4th and 2nd.

At her last visit my little one was 8lb 6oz at ten weeks old, so is still thriving and putting on weight well. She’s hitting all the developmental milestones as expected. Part of me feels I’m being asked to supplement for their stats more than anything else and the worst part is that I feel like she’s given me a bit of an unhealthy obsession with my daughters weight. Has anyone experienced anything similar??