I’m scared and sad and I just need advice 😢


So I want to start off by saying when my husband and I last tried to have sex (I was about 30 weeks) it was too painful to really enjoy and we had to stop. It felt like when you have rough sex and then try to go again a while later and your vagina feels swollen and sore. That’s the best way I can describe it.. I thought it was pretty weird but just chalked it up to maybe extra blood flow and a weird pregnancy symptom. The reason I’m telling you guys this is because when I started getting my cervix checked every week for dilation at around 36 weeks, it was so painful and felt just like when my husband and I tried to have sex!!!!!

At my 39 week appointment today, my doctor does the cervix check (still absolutely nothing btw) and of course I’m whimpering from the pain.. My doctor looks at me seriously and said “I don’t think you’ll be able to do the induction. I think you’ll be a c section.. if you’re in that much pain from just checking, Im not sure how you can push a baby out..” (my induction is scheduled a week from today)

I was like 😟😟😟😟 “well what about the epidural??”

And she said “we don’t give it to you right away. You’d need to be around 5/6 dilation and I’m thinking you won’t be able to withstand the pain. We have to check your cervix frequently and also the pill that we have to insert”

She wasn’t rude at all and I know she was just being realistic but it still kinda hurt to hear.. I’m not sure why it’s so painful for me and my doctor assured me it’s normal and for some women, it’s worse than others. I usually have a pretty high pain tolerance so I just can’t help like feeling that my body is failing me 😢😢 If anyone can lend an encouraging word, I’d greatly appreciate it.. I feel lost and scared