What should I do?

I have been best friends with a guy for 10 years. I also have a boyfriend whom I have been with for 5 years. We are all 19.

I guess to some that seems a little weird, but to me it just feels right. I have no romantic feelings towards my guy best friend. We have so much fun. However, with my boyfriend it’s different. I’m in love with him. I want to spend my life with him.

I thought my guy best friend felt the same way and understood my love for my boyfriend. However my boyfriend hit me the other night when we were all having a campfire with some other friends. He took me into the forest to do it and didn’t think anyone saw. Well my guy best friend did and he attacked my boyfriend and told him to never come near me again or there would be a problem. He gave my boyfriend a black eye. I tried to explain that my boyfriend just has anger problems and he told me that’s no excuse and he will not allow anyone to harm me. He said anyone who loves me wouldn’t dream of touching me in anyway but to show me love. Then he tried to hold me and I pushed him away and told him he was inappropriate and wrong.

My boyfriend told me if I do not end my friendship with him that he will leave me. He said my friend disrespected him and said that it’s obvious that he’s in love wit me.

I told my girl friends about this and my my mom they are all begging me to leave my boyfriend. They even went as far as telling me to date my guy friend and said he is way better looking than my boyfriend (something I don’t even care about).

What should I do?

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