So... I am 12 weeks pregnant and my first ultrasound my mil wanted to come. I wanted it to be just my husband and I and plus I knew it was going to vaginal and didn’t feel comfortable with her being in the room. Her and my father in law made it to be a big deal and starting gaining up against me and to my husband. Sadly my husband didn’t take up for me and never does when it comes to his parents. So now it is time for my second appointment and it starts all over again with her wanting to be there and my husband calls me at work today asking me if I had said this and that to his parents which I had not and he said that they said I said it. He told me that she IS going to be taking me to my doctors appointment on Thursday. I never felt comfortable with it to begin with so what makes me what to let her with them lying about what “ I said “. Just need some advice and was wondering if anyone else would let their mil in the vaginal ultrasound room. Especially after these circumstances??? It’s literally put so much stress on me and you would think they would want my pregnancy to be stress free. 😫