Emily • Heyyyyyy to all my Baby Mamas or all my Future Baby Mamas! How about we all say we have some BABIES!!Whoooooo 👶🏼❤️🤞🏼

I’ve read through a lot of articles stating that if you have Irregular periods it’s a lot harder to conceive. So what does mean for me?

Some people say go on BC for awhile to regulate yourself.

Well that’s a no go i have a horrible hornal reaction to BC.

So i need some extra on advice on what i should do to get pregnant, obviously than state the obvious of having sex while ovulating anything that i or my husband can take as supplements or honestly at this point we are open to multiple suggestions!!

Please help us have a baby!!!! 👶🏼❤️🤞🏼

—-Thank you in advance fella Mamas!!!