Is it verbal abuse when someone makes you sound like an idiot all the damn time?

I had a friend of mine. We were really close. But over the years I knew her, she would constantly try to find something I’d do, say, or believe—with actual evidence and proof that it was true—and make me feel like I didn’t know shit. And when she would find something to make me sound and feel dumb, she would start this huge argument because I would try to defend myself. She would twist my words and assume I said this and that. She wouldn’t end the argument unless I admitted she was right and begged for forgiveness. I had to plead, “Sorry!”. It was always either her way or the highway. She had to always be right. She had to be the smart chick and I had to be the dumbass fool. She was hypocritical. She acted like she was so high and mighty and was worthy to be praised. But how she would say things to make me feel like an idiot, killed me inside over time. “What are you even saying?” “What does that even mean?” “Are you even hearing yourself” “No. That’s not what that means. It means this...” “No, no, no. You have it all wrong.” “I mean this in the most loving way, but you are clueless. You think you know everything but you don’t.”