Worried I don't love my 1.5 yr old enough...

I do love my son. He wants for nothing, I want what's best for him and I work hard to be a good mother. But I just worry that I don't love deeply enough. Is this normal? My mom loves her children with such an intense passion that she'll cry if she gets to talking about how much she really loves us. I see posts from other moms about this life-changing, gripping, powerful love that grips them to their bones. I would give my life for my son and I love him, but I have a hard time feeling what I think I should be feeling. I constantly feel rushed, dragged down and frustrated with this crazy life and when I get the chance to slow down, I just feel a little affection and a lot of guilt. I'm a mother... Aren't I supposed to have this deep, strong, overwhelming love? I've felt it before towards my husband and my mother, but its just not as intense with my son. I feel broken. I feel like I'm letting him down and he deserves better. He's such a good boy. He deserves the kind of motherly love that I received. I've tried to do everything to promote bonding since he was born. We're still even breastfeeding 2x a day. What else can I do? I want to be a good mom.