I'm having weird visions. Helpppp

Ok so for the past few months while I drive I always find myself having visions of me crashing. It's so freaking weird! When I catch myself visioning that I always tell myself "STOP. Focus it's all in your head just focus" and then I get over it and continue on with my day. But it's always when I'm driving that I always imagine these things. Its fucken scary and weird. I have a baby I HATE imagining these things.

A week ago a car swerved onto my lane with no blinker or anything. They did it so fast that I almost hit it. I swerved the opposite way and seen a car going straight to me so I swerved the other way (idk it all happened so fast) BUT I was swerving everywhere. So I finally got control and I stopped on the side and got so mad. I cussed the car that swerved on to my lane as he kept driving straight except he was driving SUPER slow now. After that I literally couldn't stop thinking about how I almost crashed into a gas station if I didn't get to control the car. Like LITERALLy couldn't stop thinking. I fell asleep thinking about it and the next day it was like nothing happened.

But I still find myself randomly imagining myself in the middle of a car accident. Like me in the car as the accident is happening get me?

I don't know why I'm going through this. I've been in a few car accidents when I was a kid none were crazy but I do remember some of them. I've been driving for 6 years now and this is the first year I've gone through this.

Has anyone else gone through this or am I the only one? Help please, I don't like thinking this way specially knowing I'm always driving with my baby in the back seat. 😓😭