being led on??

ok so there’s this guy i’ve talked to a couple times on twitter. he messaged me first and we talked, we decided to hang out but when we were supposed to he couldn’t or something. so we stopped communicating for a couple months then he messages me again basically wanting to hang out, wants me to stay the night, whatever. so when the day comes i have to run some errands and i tell him around when i should be done just so he knows. so when i was done with everything i message him and it’s complete silence. didn’t even look at the message i assume. so i go home, and we live like 2 hours from each other, i was in his area when this was happening. when i get home he messaged me that he had just gotten home 🙄. so after that we stopped communicating again until a couple weeks ago when i messaged him asking if he was down to hang out or whatever. he said he would be he was just recovering from surgery but i haven’t heard from him since. what should i do?