Age difference


Update: I asked the guy out for coffee and we ended up having a 7 hour long date. And ever since then we talk 24/7 and see each other any time we’re both free and go on dates as much as we can. It doesn’t bother either one of us about the age difference and it’s honestly something refreshing for the both of us. Pretty sure I found my other half.

Help! So I’m 20 (will be 21 next September) and I met this guy (he’s 29 and will be 30 next August) at the dog park a couple months ago and at our park there’s a group of us that have a Facebook page/group, well they added me in and he noticed that I was added in and sent me a friend request. I accepted and then 30 mins later he PM’ed me and started talking to me. Well fast forward, it’s been about a month now and every time we’re both at the park we spend more time talking to each other than we do the rest of the people and I’m always trying to find a reason to PM him on Facebook and when I do we talk for hours. And then yesterday while I was at work he searched for me on Insta and followed me. And then tonight me, him, and 2 other people from the park met up for dinner and the whole time he kept looking at me and afterwards offered to pull my car around to the entrance for me since it was raining so much. So he’s super sweet, hilarious, genuine, so smart, has two adorable dogs and a stable job. So I need help figuring out is it wrong since I’m 20 and he is 29, and I’m scared to jump the gun and ask him out or for his actual number because what if he’s not actually into me like that???? Ughhhh

Also I’m so sorry this was so long but I felt like y’all needed details to make informed advice. Thanks ladies!!! xo