Advice and stories please


It started off at 5pm Friday night, I started having cramps nothing noticeable or painful. I didn’t ring up, bc I’ve been in before with worse pain and got sent home so waited it out. At 11pm I started to bleed like a period blood, waiting once again see if it changed it turned to mucus brown blood, so I rang up and went in Saturday at 6ish as boyfriends mam took us as she was picking him up anyway. I was monitored and then had an internal. (They insert there fingers and feel the cervix) they found out I was 2-3cm and cervix was 50-75% thinned out and they were soft. The midwife went and rang the doctor to see what to do. She came back said I had to have a speculum (where they stick a plastic thing inside to open up the cervix) just to see what the bleeding was and it was my mucus plug. So she went back rang the doctor and they sent me up to ward 19 (premature ward basically) due to me only been 36+4 weeks so they just monitored me ect 24 hours they checked me again I was still the same so stayed in. pain was getting worse and worse they kept doping me up on painkillers (paracetamol and codiene) and then Monday I he wasn’t moving and his heart rate was low so they sent me for a scan he weighs 5lb 3oz and then told me my placenta isn’t working so there getting the doctor and he still hadn’t moved so they got the doctor and they said I can get induced at the next available time or wait 2 weeks and get another growth scan see how things are, but with that his placenta could have Fully stopped worked by then, so she told me how they induce u and all the risks (no prositives) so that worried me. Before I went I asked if I could Be checked again and I was still the same and I asked the doctor if I could have a sweep with me been 36+6 week she said u might have to stay in till tommorrow I said I just wanna go home tho and I’ve got like 6 hours till I turn 37 weeks (full term) so she asked the doctor and she said yeh do got the sweep at about 6ish Monday night and then went to boyfriends dad and step mams and here till Thursday. Hoping my sweep works. X

Anyone have any advice please,

How to get things moving? (Having few pains here and there but havent timed them yet, when I get a pain feels like I need a poo lol

Hate needles/injections how do I cope when getting the drip.

Just any advice or tips or stories will be brilliant thank you so much