Voluntary induction

Lauren • Married August 2014, boy mom, first 💙 born July, 2016, #2 💙 born December, 2018.

Is anyone here considering a voluntary induction? As in there is no medical need to induce, but the doctor has offered it? I met with my doctor yesterday and she said we can schedule an induction now for 39 weeks, if I’d like to, since this is my second child and my first was a successful vaginal delivery. Im so conflicted! I’m usually all for letting nature take its course and minimal intervention. However, with a baby due around the holidays and a toddler at home that will need to be arranged for, I’m really

considering it. My first was born at 40+4 after 36 hours of labor. No induction. What are your thought? 🤷🏼‍♀️