I have no idea what to do. I don't know how to go about this without being petty. Or...should I be petty? I'll try and keep this as short as possible. I am a stay at home mom and my boyfriend works from 8am-5pm, 5-7 days a week. I have ALL of the cooking responsibilities, including making his lunch for the next day. I also have ALL cleaning responsibilities. He doesn't even pick up after himself. His responsibilities ONLY include: taking out the trash every morning, bringing in all of his lunch containers so they can be washed, and cleaning up after dinner. Mind you, he doesn't even have to do dishes. Literally just has to put away refrigerated items and make sure the food is out of the way. I typically clean clean the next day. Not many tasks right? Well apparently it's too much to "remember". We fight about it every day. He's a lovely man and treats me like a queen...but damn. He "forgets" every day. Or he half asses it. If we get in a huge fight the night before, he will do it because it's fresh. Then he stops. Last night, I asked him to bring in his containers...he didn't. I asked him to put away the sushi stuff because we were going to make it but didn't and he left out the cream cheese, avocado, ranch from our salads, and vegetables. All of which is now bad. Meaning, if I want to make that for dinner (which was the plan) I have to add a grocery trip in the midst of all of my other errands. It's so frustrating because it's like, I do so much for him and I feel like he can't even do the smallest of tasks. He literally doesn't help at all unless I walk him through it. Even if I say, "hey go put that in the laundry" he will walk in circles asking where the dirty pile is. Like you don't know where that is? YOU LIVE HERE. I told him I wasn't making dinner or his lunch tonight. I'm at my wit's end.