Feeling lonely, ugly, and worthless.

I had my baby a year ago, and it's been hard to lose the weight. I feel so ugly. My husband doesn't touch me like he used to. We have sex maybe once a month, I feel like I'm not attractive to him anymore. And I feel like is not fair. He was my first everything, he had many different girls before he met me and I feel like I'm too young to feel this sexually frustrated. I know that my selfesteem is what is blocking me from doing sexy things for him but I don't feel confident in my body and he doesn't help me feel beautiful. This feeling sucks, it feels like my husband and I are roommates. I feel like there is no purpose in my life, I no longer enjoy doing things. I love my baby to death. It just sucks when you don't have anything else to do in life besides being a mom and a house wife. I have no motivation to do anything and I just feel like garbage. I feel guilty because many women wishes they have my life where I don't really need to work because my husband is a great provider. But I depend on him. Without him I'm nothing. I just feel alone.