Can anyone give me some advice??

I quit breastfeeding my son like a week/two after he turned the big “1” which was September 3rd, Immediately a couple days after I stopped my AF returned after two years.... Which was Sept 16th-20. Never been on birth control and have ALWAYS had very consistent and very normal periods. I BD on all my peak days pretty much. I’m 17 DPO (4 days late today) and still getting negatives. I swear I have felt some signs of being pregnant. Is there a chance I could still get a BFP? I’m trying not too loose hope but the BFN are killing me.! I don’t even feel like AF is coming, normally I would be breaking out, feeling blah... But my skin is clearer than ever and I feel great.! Of course there are random moments where I just feel so tired, I’ve had to pee a lot lately, have insomnia but getting better and I’ve felt a lot of cramping.! I’m just not sure what’s going on here. Like I said, I’ve NEVER been late before. I’m TTC #3 but I just don’t know what to think, with baby # 2 I found out at like 7 DPO.....