Long distance issue


Hey, never posted here before but I want to know if I’m wrong. My bf and I been together almost a year. Last month I moved to a different state and he is moving next month.

It’s been about 3 weeks now and we are having issues. Mind you these are ongoing issues.

He said he’s frustrated because he feels I’m trying to change him. I ask for more attention, for us to go out more because he is t social. Not to clubs or anything just to hang out even doing free things a Lilly’s more. I also asked that when we speak on the phone I get quality time because we don’t talk every hour of the day. We agreed in speaking at 8pm. But when we do he’s not in a good mood or did just quiet. He’ll call me back an hour later and be happy. But it starting to feel our relationship is running on his clock. I honestly feel sad. We spoken about I a lot and he gets upset cause he said he’s trying and he just feels he always need to change something. I don’t feel like I’m asking him to change anything. Just improve on normal relationships shit. Am I wrong ?