Am I crazy :/

Okay so me and my fiancé have been together for 3 years . I love him to pieces and I know he loves me too.

Recently we’ve had some money trouble, basically we lent some money to my step dad (he was with my mum for 12 years). They have now they’ve split up, so I let him stay at our house for a while. He refused to leave, to the point where we had to move out. so now we are in debt.

We both work full time and my other half has got a second job. But now he’s absolutely knackered all the time. I think I see him for about 30 mins a day. It’s killing me! He’s not even slightly interested in sex or any form of intimacy.

I know he’s trying so hard but I miss him. I miss hanging out and being stupid together. I miss being intimate. I just miss him.

I really do get what he’s doing any I think he’s amazing for getting another job. But yeah...