Do I give up on my dream family?

We have a 2 year old daughter. She was a total surprise, easiest pregnancy and labor ever! We decided to start trying for a second baby after our wedding in August. I was late for my period, had multiple positive tests, but it ended up being a chemical pregnancy. This was a few weeks ago. Now I don’t even want to be touched, I don’t want to have sex, I don’t want to go through this again. But I swore I’d never have an only child because I personally hated being an only child growing up and I’d love my daughter to have a sibling and I always wanted at least 2 or 3 kids. But now I just feel like... maybe I don’t have it in me. My daughter can be totally hellish some days. How can I handle a toddler and a newborn? I’m just doubting my mom abilities and I’m just a wreck. I just needed to rant I guess in hopes someone has encouraging words for me. I’m in such a funk and I just want to give up on everything.