D & C #2😔

Katie • My name is Kate and I just gave birth to our beautiful daughter February 17th 2016. She is our world and we couldn`t feel anymore blessed❤ I am currently pregnant with our July 2018 baby!

Ugh....this sucks. If my postpartum period hasnt sucked enough I get to have another D & C or a hystoroscopy is what they are doing this time...so going in with a cam to make sure all is removed. Im beyond pissed,annoyed and just plain sad. I feel robbed from being able to enjoy my babys first 3 months because of all the crap that has followed her birth and Im pretty sure she is our last especially with all the BS that went down this time...Im bummed and feel cheated and if thats not enough I have to dig into a big portion of my stash that I shouldnt have to. I hope this is the end of this post partum hell for me...its been a bunch of crap. I got my beautiful little girl though...shes worth it all. Just venting. Pray for me tomorrow...idk why Im so nervous for this one.