Stay at home struggle.

I've been a stay at home mom for about 3ish years now. About 2 years ago my family and I moved from the city to the country. We're about an hour away from the nearest Walmart. There's 4 places to eat in my small town. 1 grocery store. A few gas stations. A dollar store. You get the picture. It's a cultural wasteland. My son recently started kindergarten in August. I'm still at home. Now, this wouldn't be a problem if we had a second car, but atm we dont, so my husband uses the car for work. I know I'm not alone, but the isolation has gotten to me. I like to tell myself that I enjoy it and to make the best of it but all I do every day is clean and cook. I feel like my life has lost meaning. I clean and then sit on my chair looking at random new articles for hours. Tick tock, the day just drags on. Nothingness for hours. I've tried coloring, reading, crafting, home improvement, ect, and NOTHING sticks with me. I can't find a single hobby I like or something to make me feel like I'm not just wasting away in my house out in the middle of nowhere. I've been trying for baby #2 for 4 years. Lost 100 lbs to help to conceive and still nothing. (I was 250💀) I just feel like a failure in all aspects. I know I'm depressed, I have been for years. I feel like a financial burden. I'm 22 years old. Money is tight and I can't do anything to help other than budgeting. Our anniversary is early next month and were so busy trying to winterize $$$$$ that I'm afraid we won't even be able to enjoy going to a resturaunt together ffs. I'm rambling. That's my rant I guess.