I think I'm pregnant?'


I'm heading to the store now for more tests, but does this look like I'm pregnant?!!!!

*UPDATE: I hate having to type this but, I miscarried. When I took this test I was 8wks pregnant. I found out last Thursday I was pregnant and started having brown spotting throughout the day. This past Sunday I awoke and stood up to a big gush of red blood running down my thigh. My husband and I spent the day at the Hosptial and had blood testing and an ultrasound. They couldn't find the baby in the ultrasound but said it could've been to constipation. My HCG was at 4000, which is low for 8 weeks. They told me to come back in 2 days to check to see if my HCG increases. Sunday evening and yesterday evening I began soaking pads with red blood and coagulation each hour and began experiencing excruciating pain in my abdomen. I wish luck to those that are trying.