Stomach growling right after eating

So my pre-pregnancy weight was 282lbs. I’ve gained 2lbs so far and am 24+2weeks. At my 20 week appointment baby weighed about 10g less than average and he measured 2 days behind. Sonographer told me it’s fine and wasn’t a big deal but I’ll go for an ultrasound at 28 weeks to check his weight and measurements.

Well I eat far less than I used to; pre-pregnancy I ate a shit ton of sugary foods. I don’t eat less bc of morning sickness but bc im not hungry and I’m terrified of getting preeclampsia. I have 3 meals a day + a few snacks. I’m not trying to diet.

Well right after eating my stomach growls like I haven’t eaten. Is that my son telling me he’s still hungry? Idk if I’m eating enough. How would I know that I am?

Pre-pregnancy I think I had issues with food like a binge disorder and could easily eat 6000+ calories per day. Now I’m guessing I eat around 3000 calories per day.