feeling depressed


So I'm currently 32+4 weeks pregnant and lately I've been finding myself getting more and more depressed, I don't know if it's hormones or what but I find myself wanting to cry and I get so Moody so quickly and I'm realizing it has a lot to do with my fiance is never home. He's been working so much to help provide for us, now I work as well but we're finding it hard for us to see each other because of the different hours we work. I'll wake him up for work I'll see him for maybe an hour but he's usually getting ready and by the time he gets off work I'm just going to work and when I get off he's usually in bed sleeping cause he has to wake up to go to work the next day. maybe I'm being a baby about it but I miss him and really in need of an us day or just a day we can sit down and relax together or just be in the same room or something. I know it's not his fault, but damn I'm really needing his attention. Sorry Im just emotional and missing my man.