100 grams of protein?


I recently interviewed a midwife and she sent me home with a “Pregnancy Tips” sheet. It reads, “Eat a well balanced diet including 60-80 grams of protein daily (if you’re vegan you will need about 100 grams daily).”

Ummm I don’t think I’ve ever eaten 100 grams of protein in a day, not before I was vegan and definitely not now. I was striving for 77 grams, and while it’s a struggle (thank god for protein shakes and seitan) I could do it most days.

Have you ever heard of vegans needing 100 grams of protein? Why so much more than omnivores?! And how can I do it without drinking 5 protein shakes every day? 🤢😩

...never mind the fact that I’m nauseous and it’s a pretty great day if I can stomach toast.