In the hospital at 32 weeks

I been in the hospital now for over 24hrs. I woke up yesterday morning having contractions. Like I was in labor. I felt I had to po but nothing was coming out. I then couldn't even sit on the toilet. It was so intense. I had to try to walk back in the bedroom. In order to wake my husband up. I honestly didnt know to cry or not. Luckily I came in. I got hooked up to the monitors. They showed Ithe contractions were coming 2mins apart. Talk about anything could happen. It took forever for them to finally slow down. So they decided to keep me overnight to make sure it was going to stay like that. Today I am doing much better. With the help of meds including the steroid shot. They are hoping that they can last at least another 2 weeks. So pray I can wait until 34 weeks. Then if Im looking good to go further. 36 weeks is my next goal. Please pray for us!!! We would really appreciate it. ❤❤