Serious dilemma please help..(TMI)

I’m going to give as many details as I can and if you can give insight or advice I will appreciate it greatly. I’m currently without insurance and am only 17. Okay so I had unprotected anal sex about 5 days ago and he came inside. I felt some of it drip down but I had to get dressed and go right away for something so I know that made things compact down there..Here I am, 5 days later and all of a sudden I have gotten some light bleeding, maybe spotting. For the past two days I have been experiencing cramps in my right lower side as well as noticing that my discharge for the last 3/4 days has been a weird like orange maybe light pink (smell was off as well, not bad just kinda sweet muskyish) until today when the bleeding began and developed a more pronounced color of pink/red. According to <a href="">Eve</a>, I am exactly in the middle of my cycle, fertile period ends in 4 days for me. I have read that implantation bleeding is not very mucousy and should be watery with no clots AT ALL. I have also learned of ovulation bleeding. I’m leaning more towards ovulation bleeding because I have only experienced the cramping and this spotting that seemed to turn to light bleeding. I know my chances of pregnancy are low but I’m still worried because I have never experienced this so called ovulation/middle cycle spotting/bleeding. This picture is what I saw about 15 mins ago.