Internal ultrasound confusion.


Today I had my first internal ultrasound.

We believed that I was 6 weeks 5 days but after the exam the doctor decided I must be closer to 5 weeks 5 days.

They couldn't find a heartbeat.. but saw everything else. (The sac, and a little blip on the screen.)

My doctor reassures me that my bloodwork is good (much much better than last time) and that I need to stay hopeful. Especially since I'm not bleeding or spotting (which happened very early last time).

There are many different things about this pregnancy, than the one I had last August which resulted in a miscarriage at about 6 weeks.

I'm nauseous more often than not and my boobs are ridiculously sore/sensitive.

I'm trying to trust the ultrasound doctor and stay hopeful, but she seemed to literally be repeating the same advice she gave me in August 2017, which happened to be 24/48 hours before I officially miscarried so I'm skeptical.

She also said that repeat blood work would be useless.. but my OB said I could have more blood work if I needed reassurance.

I'm just very torn about my appointment today and a bit discouraged. I can be patient for another week. But it's so hard to have faith over fear considering what we went through last year.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.