8 weeks or never? Vent sess don’t read unless you need to get it out too.

Guyyyssssssss okay, okay the last thing this group needs is someone else saying I’m SO ready to be done. I realize 7 months are behind me but I am so tired. Emotionally, mentally, and physically tired. I want to hold my baby so badly. I want to sit and rock her and stare at her little perfect face and just smile. I also want my body back—- no I’m not talking for swimsuit season, I’m talking for sleeping longer than 2 hours, to get back on a normal pee schedule, to stop the non stop heart burn or should I say throat burn. I want a glass of wine when I need a little relaxing. I want to eat food I like without worrying what it’ll do to my little baby. On that note- I want deli sandwiches- sushi- COFFEE. I want tuna, seared tuna a big giant piece. I want to fit in my bathtub, get up without someone helping me, bend over without throwing up in my mouth. I want to wear pants without a constant stomach ache. I want my weird body acne gone, sex to be comfortable again.. the list goes on and on. My baby IS worth all this. Her health is most important to me far and away. I never think this was a mistake. I love her so much already it consumes all of me. I’m just ready to have her little body in my arms and out of my big, overly stretched body 😅😂. 8 weeks... gosh that just sounds like a lifetime. I know it isn’t- I know we will all get there December mamas. And I KNOW we are so so lucky to have been blessed and made it this far. Why does it feel so far away still? Hah!

Edit: I knew I wasn’t alone! Fear of maybe people being upset had me post this anonymously haha! But glad that I’m not the only person feeling like I’m overcooked and ready to get this bun out 😂