

My sister in law and my aunt in law both keep telling me they want to watch my baby once she is born and im ready for a sitter. I don’t have very great opinions of this lady because they are older than me and a lot less responsible. Neither have jobs and neither can afford to not have jobs and they both smoke in their house, and on top of that one house isn’t clean and the other house is housing his uncle who is really mean and opinionated. I don’t want my baby in their house! And I am pretty sure I expressed that to his aunt...but they both keep insisting upon taking her to their house to watch her when I am hardly ready to accept the idea of them watching her in my own house. I am not sure what to do or say...because i do not want to be rude. I am even considering not going back to work myself so i dont need someone to watch her 5 days a week. Thoughts????