Update on my last post

Chelsea • Married to the man I prayed for🤴🏽👸🏾• Life Changing Nurse In The Making👩🏾‍⚕️• 👼🏽 10.17.2018 🌈👶🏽 02.06.2020

So I did end up going to the ER to see about the cramping and bleeding . Positive pregnancy tests but My hcg is low . Only 109, from the date of LP til now I should be around 7 weeks . Hcg level should be over 7000 . They didn’t see anything in my uterus or tubes . They told me that they can’t say what is going on because it may just be too soon to tell . I could be less far along than 7 weeks even though that’s when my LP was , or it could be a miscarriage. They want to check again in a few days to see . So , They’ve put me in bed rest until Monday . I go back to have my levels checked again. If the numbers have gone up then we’re in the clear and if they gone down then ... yea this was a miscarriage. I am trying to stay relaxed , and not stress like they told me to ensure nothing I’m doing is what has caused this . But I can’t do anything but worry . I have to keep busy so my mind doesn’t send me into a frenzy. Not being able to , is very hard ! I don’t think I can handle finding out I’m pregnant with my very first baby then finding out I’m having a miscarriage literally the next day . I’m seriously GOING CRAZY over that thought alone . *sigh* I’m anxious for Monday and I can’t wait for my appt to see if the hcg has increased. I’m so nervous I don’t know what to do .