What to do about Christmas?

This might be long but I could use your input.

So I’m due a week before Christmas and my first baby was three days late, so I am expecting it to be even closer than a week.

We usually go over my in-laws for Christmas morning to open gifts with his family and then all the extended family comes over, then we go to my aunts house to see my parents and all my sides’ extended family.

This year my mom said she and my dad would come over our house on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> because obviously we don’t want our newborn around 15-20 people so soon after birth and in the midst of cold and flu season.

We were planning to go over my in laws Christmas morning to open gifts just with his parents and siblings and leave before everyone else from his side got there for the same reasoning.

Here’s where it gets tricky. His brother and his wife have a daughter who will be 18 months by then (she’s a day older than my daughter) and is sick all the time. My SIL is literally the devil; like there isn’t a person on earth I dislike more for so many reasons, but one of those being on Mother’s Day we went to dinner with his family and they brought their daughter sneezing and coughing all over the place and while literally shoving her into everyone’s faces and trying to make them kiss and hold her assuring she was just teething.

She spent the whole meal attempting to push her together with my daughter and I’m just trying to pull her away but not be a bitch and overreact until the point when she was trying to feed my daughter food her daughter had put in her mouth and I’m like okay no. She seems sick I don’t want them around each other.

Well she gets all offended and of course, we hear on the way home her daughter was projectile vomiting in the car all the way home. two days later my daughter is sick, I, newly pregnant get sick and it’s terrible.

My SIL is that kind of selfish person who (even if we asked them if their daughter or either of them were sick on Christmas) would assure us they were not, even if they were and then push their daughter either with ours or if my SIL was sick would be trying to be all over the newborn. Plus their daughter just started daycare and is now sick all the time.

My husband is very lax with this (he was just trying to get my daughter to kiss my MIL on the lips after she talked about how she was just sick for the last two days) he doesn’t think at all and will not be watching or helping if he sees they are ill. I don’t feel like being a week or less postpartum, trying to deal with a newborn while also making sure my 18 month old is not getting too close to her sick cousin.

My husband wants me to just stay home with the newborn and he wants to go to Christmas with my daughter, but I literally do not trust him because he just doesn’t seem to see the danger in our daughter getting sick and then passing it to our newborn. He keeps telling me he wants to stay for when the whole side comes over too. I just feel like our infant getting the flu or something is so not worth it but he thinks I’m overreacting.

What would you do?