they told me to love myself

it’s always great getting told to love yourself, or when someone calls you beautiful. it’s also nice when you have a morning announcement at school saying everyone’s bodies are the same, just in their unique ways. “oh wait though... not tall and skinny girls are part of that equation though, sorry”

it’s a beautiful society where if you don’t have ass and tits you’re flat. if your boobs are too big then you get tossed aside. if you’re more than 5’6” you’re too tall for boys, if you’re less than 5’0” you’re a midget.

that’s what i’ve learned from the kids at my high school. constantly i get bullied for being 5’9” with the term “giraffe”. i also get bullied for being skinny. i get called flatter than a board daily, i get called anorexic weekly and no one ever stands up for me. there’s a girl at my school talker than me and much skinnier than me but no one ever makes fun of her. there’s another girl taller than me but does sports so has a little more body than me but no one ever makes fun of her height. i’m always getting targeted because people find me venerable because i’m shy and quiet so they know they can bully me to feel good about themselves and i always take it. people at my school have done speeches about society and body shaming, everyone understands where she’s coming from but still everyone does it. i have tall, lean parents, i don’t know what people expect to happen when two tall, lean people have a child. i am not anorexic i just have a fast motablilsm, i get exercise but i cannot gain weight to save my life. i don’t want to go on a specific diet or anything because i am only 15 and want to let my body run its course. no matter where i go i get reminded that i’m tall and skinny as hell. today i went shopping for pants and i literally broke down in the mall because i have like 32 inch legs but everything’s 31 and down. i have a 5 inch waist and nothing ever fits me. now i wear track pants everyday to make my legs look fuller. thanks society, i officially hate my body, hope you’re happy.