Baby Shower Issues

So I have always been under the assumption you do not ask for a baby shower someone offers. Is that not correct? That being said, I have a question. At my church every lady that has been pregnant in the last year, if it was their first or second or third or what ever, has had a baby shower thrown by some of the other church ladies. Here I am little over a month till my due date and NO ONE has offered to throw me a baby shower. I’m very active in my church, everyone knows I’m pregnant. I know that I’m emotional pregnant women, but I’m trying really hard to not take offense to this. (Although I would be lying if I didn’t say my feeling are a little hurt) My husband and son and I moved here a little over a year, I have tried to reach out and be kind and helpful to everyone at our church, yet I just never feel like anything is reciprocated back to me. I don’t know if I should just move on and accept I’m not having a shower (there is still time if someone offered 🤷🏼‍♀️) or if I should say something. I just always was under the assumption you don’t ask for a shower. Any who, any suggestions on what to do?