Is this normal?


I am new to periods, got mine last March and am very confused. I am currently a week or so late to my period and (I am still a virgin if anyone was wondering) and I am on my schools cross country team so I work out almost everyday. I have had some very heavy discharge for the past few days and the discharge is very watery and clear so it kinda looks like I peed my pants (I didn’t) but I will also have some white thicker stuff mixed in there too. Also when I thought I was going to start my period I put my menstrual cup in so that if I did start I would be fine cause I was out and about all day, and when I took it out there was a lot of discharge in it also it was on my underwear also. Also my vagina has a fairly pungent metallic smell and I can often smell it when i open my legs, I’m not itchy down there also. So my final question is: is it normal to have a lot of discharge when your period is late, and is a metallic smell normal?

Sorry for the long post. 🙃🙃