Unhelpful partners

Does anyone else have a partner that just doesn’t seem to help?

We’re only young and have been seeing each other a year and a half. I have a 3 year old to someone else and moved out at 18 so I feel like I definitely matured quicker, but we’ve been officially living together for a year now, he took my son on like he was his own and have a bub due any day and he just still doesn’t seem to get it basic adult responsibilities.

He works and I stay home (though I am still paying my half of everything out of savings and minimal child support) and up until now I did all the housework / everything for my son but now that I’m so heavily pregnant I’m really struggling to run around after my son and also an adult that lives the same as a child. We still have quite the amount of stuff to sort before I’m induced in 7 days and he just will not help. Complains that he shouldn’t have to do anything since he works and honestly I’m ready to leave. I don’t expect very much but one thing I cannot stand is an adult acting like a child with the excuse of working. Does anyone have any advice on what I can say to him to try and work it out? Try and make him see from my point of view.