I NEED HELP&ANSWERS....well atleast try!!

Emily • Heyyyyyy to all my Baby Mamas or all my Future Baby Mamas! How about we all say we have some BABIES!!Whoooooo 👶🏼❤️🤞🏼

So i honestly want to make this short as possible just because i don’t have enough energy to even type this. So basically I’m 6 days late on my period and that is the most I’ve ever been before in my life. I felt like i got implantation spotting (brown little dishcharge) along with cramping that day. I’ve taken 2 tests since I’ve missed my period both negative. I’m experiencing extreme symptoms of being pregnant, obvi no period, extremely moody and emotional I litteraly mean like crying everyday hysterically. Fatigued (taking multiple naps a day) no energy. Nauseous, yet not morning sickness. But the one thing that is ruining it all for me is the depression. I’m so depressed and blah and blank and the ONLY other time i ever acted like this is when i was on the BC pill and i had to get off it because i became almost suicidal. And since being off of it more almost over 6 months i haven’t had an episode since. So i feel like i definely am pregnant because i obviously don’t do well with hormones. Obviouslf i must be testing too early, but i can’t deal with this all of this right now. I’m currently planning my own wedding in 2 weeks, buying a home, and now we “may” be having a baby. I just need more information because no one is helping me......thank you!!