Unsupportive parents


Hey y’all. My future husband, best friend and I are starting a business. My parents have been disinterested since day one. They keep telling me to be patient and to not get my hopes too high. Well, the last two months have been hell for my family. My dad had a massive heart attack and required a triple bypass to fix his heart. He is diabetic and has been in renal failure for the last two years, so now he is on dialysis after pulling through the heart surgery like a champ.

It’s been a couple weeks since he has been home, and he has regained a lot of strength. He is one of my favorite people in this world and I admire him to no end. His wife and my stepmom on the other hand, has been less than supportive of me my entire life that I’ve known her, which is 20 years out of my 23. They have a daughter together, my little sister who is 15 and all kinds of bitchy teenager! Lol. I love her to death.

My stepmom’s parents are in town from around 1,000 miles away. My business had a booth set up at a local festival, and they didn’t even make an attempt to come show support. They went to the casino. Now, my dad had a 4 hour dialysis session today so he was very tired and I 100% am okay with the fact that he was at home. My stepmom knew about this event since day one.... After it was over, I sent her pictures and she asked “Is that today? We’ve been at the casino” I said “It was. It ended at 4.” with no response. I am feeling so hurt and unwanted, because my dad has watched this kind of thing happen for years and doesn’t want to open that can of worms with her, so he doesn’t say anything... I am doing this. I am going to try my damnedest to become the top rated in my line of work.

WE ARE SOPHIE’S SANCTUARY. We are a very early stage boarding facility that will treat all dogs, cats, pigs, horses, rabbits, and whatever other species of pet you have as our own. We know what we are doing, we know the business, and we will be the best.

Thank you for reading. I needed to vent lol.

This was our booth today.

My fiancé and his girl, Harley who is a 7 month old shepherd/wolf mix.

My best friend and my foster puppy Drac.

This is me.

My big Sophie girl, our namesake and inspiration to start this adventure.

Luna, my 9 month old mutt.

Another photo of Harley.