
(Sorry you have to read so much)

I don't even know how to put this but I had this ex that I really had fallen for. We were a lot closer a lot faster then other people and he ended up taking my virginity. Then days after he left. (Not done yet, gets more depressing) Days after I took my life and ended up being inpatient. When I was released I still was so obsessed with him. A year went by and all he did was use me for sex because I still had feelings for him and couldn't say no. So we had sex a lot until he ended up getting me pregnant. Then he proceeded to ignore me and blocked me when he found out. I'm young enough to not have a child so I ended up taking care if the problem but still after that he used me for sex. (Not really using me, kinda more if using my emotions against me) I still really like him but the other day I heard the worst news. My best friend that I've known since 2nd grade is dating him. She tried to hide it from me too! Never have I ever went after anyone she liked. yes I told her I didn't wanna be around her anymore but now she has a lot of my friends AND the boy I'm obsessed with. Am I honestly being too dramatic or would it bother you too??