Find our gender OR be surprised?


My husband and I go for our ultrasound in 4 days to determine if our 2nd baby is a boy or a girl. We have a gender reveal party scheduled for the following Sunday (3 days later) and were planning to have my best friend do the "reveal" portion so we are genuinely surprised at the party.

Downfall, my husband is not good with surprises. He feels that he's put on the spot and that people are going to focus on his face (like walking down the aisle at our wedding). I dont think it's an option for him to find out & not tell me, because he's so excited for this baby...

This is likely our last child, and I want to be surprised with all of our family & friends, however I'm iffy on putting my husband out of his comfort zone, as he has expressed multiple times that he wants to find out at the ultrasound.

Help ladies!! Thank you!!!

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