Will my sex life return to my normal?

I lost my virginity to my ex. we were together for almost 2 years with excellent sex. I was always in the mood with him around, he was my first true love. we broke up quite awhile ago and I'm with a new guy now. we've been having sex for about a month and we've only done it twice!! that's strange for me because I was always so in the mood with my ex, to the point here we would have sex multiple times a day. I love my current boyfriend, he's cute and funny. he is bigger than my ex was but the sex isn't as good for me. it's good but not as good. and I feel like when I do get in the mood it's short and goes away if I don't act on it quick enough. I'm just wondering if this is gonna go back to my usual or if this is a sign that I don't really want to be sexually active with my boyfriend. he would understand that so I'm not scared of that being the answer here. I'm just pretty new to this whole thing.