

Hi all!..

It’s a little complicated but I’ll give it a go.

I had a missed miscarriage on the 1st of October, baby stopped growing at 7w1d but didn’t know till 10weeks.

Had medication after it was confirmed with vaginal scan, medication take on that day and passed baby and pretty much everything.

They said to wait 2/3 week and test if negative. (No negative)

Heavy bleed for 10 days and then two days later felt cm and normal ovulation symptoms.

Tested with pregnancy test first response and cheapie before this and it was an obvious positive but faint, the day before what I think was ovulation the pregnancy test was vvvvvf and blearing positive ovulation test, I’ve been temping since 6th and this has confirmed with apps that I have ovulated.

The last 5 days I’ve used first response and cheapie it’s been getting faint till today it’s noticeably darker?!.

My question is is this old HGC or new?

I’ve read that you can ovulate with having less than 20mu of HGC??

Sorry for long post!