boyfriend is depressed

this might be a long one guys..

so we started dating around a year and a half ago, i knew he had some trust issues and anxiety which i tried to help him through but i’m no therapist so i didn’t do much.

his mom was really supportive, she knew that i would be good for him and that i have a future in mind. his dad didn’t really care unless i had goals and a future (especially if i went to college, which i want to do anyways).

we could first have a lot of freedom and we’re allowed to go on dates often, but after she had a second baby (two babies and my boyfriend), things began getting a little chaotic.

his grandma moved in, they don’t have an extra bedroom so she had to sleep in his bed (yes, with him). this seemed like a temporary thing but it’s been a year and it’s still like this.

his mom began not caring about him, telling him what to do when he felt like shit and not caring about his mental health at all, like it doesn’t exist.

him and his stepdad never really got along and that’s only getting worse, both his mom and stepdad tell him what to do, treat him like shit, and think his feelings are bullshit but still want him to watch and care for his siblings. he doesn’t even want to be around his stepdad and mom anymore (him and his mom used to be close, used to tell her how he felt).

she began not letting him go much of anywhere, making up dumb excuses for us to no go on dates. even if we both had nothing to do that day she would find a way to stop it.

she’s worried about losing him, i know that, but she’s breaking him while doing it.

he’s sick of everything, he told me he broke, he gets irritated when i touch him and that’s how we show we love each other. he’s so cold, and i know he still cares i just can’t see where he shows it.

i don’t really know what to do, it feels like i don’t have a boyfriend anymore because we can never get a moment alone and he’s so disconnected from the world. i’m so scared. this past week has been terrible.

i just hold in my tears all day, try to forget what my boyfriends going through until i get home, i have to find a distraction when i get home because whenever i have my thoughts to myself i cry and have panic attacks. both of us feel like we’re just floating through life just waiting for a better moment. we both go to sleep early because that’s the only thing that makes us feel okay, i feel so peaceful when sleeping but when i wake up the anxiety hits.

please help, it just feels hopeless at this point

edit: he is waiting until he turns 18 in june to move out so he can’t right now for anyone wondering