Vent post lol. Father doesnt want to help

I just had my daughter on the 19th, anywho the hospital stay as been hell for me and I want to go home lol 😭😭😭 my boyfriend is here with me and hasn't left my side physically but he is isn't helping me for shit. It's my second baby and his first but he doesn't even attempt to try and help me. I'm still sore and having trouble with controlling my bleeding but he literally just lays there ASLEEP. He got up to pee last night and I needed more bottles (I'm breast feeding as well she is not latching) and asked him to go tell the nurse at the desk and he started getting a high voice with me saying how tired he is and how he don't want to walk and for me to push the button. I was pushing the button and nobody was obviously coming smfh. So here I am now hours later and he still won't get up and I'm getting irritated. He doesn't want to get up. He doesn't want to feed her because "he's scared" he doesn't want to change her diaper because "shes too wobbly" like to me it's all excuses. He isn't the only first time dad and I tell him that and try to teach him but he just don't want to learn. If it's going to be like this at home I don't even want him there tbh. Last night the doctor came in saying I might not be able to go home til Tuesday due to bleeding and he literally said man at this point I want to go to work just to get away. When he don't even do shit guys.

Idk if I can take him anymore. He hasn't even seen like how it really is with a newborn at home. He expected newborns to be quiet all the time and I guess he's trying to ignore it's not that. When she was crying last night he woke up long enough to say she's gonna be so bad man why don't she sleep and back to snoring he went.

Am I over exaggerating? Do I have a right to sort of pist and irritated.

What do I do? The good think is my mom lives with us so I have help at home but the bad thing is is that she won't put up with him not helping she's very outspoken lol

He's 30 lol. 😭😭